Strengthening democracy in the Philippines

I have just come off a talk event that followed the screening of my film ALGO-RHYTHM as part of the Austrian Film Month 2021 in Manila. Two hours flew past in no time, thanks to a dynamic conversation hosted by journalist Vino Lucero the highly interesting local contributors: Timothy Salomon, legal and advocacy officer Buklaran, who told us about his study on the public perception of voting, like to many representing “to bring change”, and who is now working with indigenous peoples on issues around land rights; Atty. Mildred Ople of YouthLed, which runs a training programme to foster understanding of the workings of democracy, from positions and their responsibilities to the dangers and opportunities that open up with digital campaigning; Atty. Carlo Africa, Executive Director of  Hirayang Kabataan highlighted the need for informed voters with a good level of digital literacy to ensure a meaningful election process. That ALGO-RHYTHM might support the journey towards fairer elections in the Philippines even in the smallest way fills me with humble pride.