
Hear/Here To See – panel discussion. Pushkin House, London


Wednesday, 20 April 2022, 7:00-8:00pm
Join us for an evening of discussion at Pushkin House with Dr. Seeta Gangadharan (the founder of Our Data Bodies and Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science), Mukul Patel and Manu Luksch.

The spread of computation to all aspects of individual and collective life has made us legible to machines. With this legibility comes vulnerability – to analytic algorithms that claim to classify us and nudge engines that steer our cognition and behaviour. The mutation of our information environment by corporate platforms, and the streamlining of governance by ADM (automated decision making) systems has not only outpaced public discourse and legislation, but also inverted old precedences by recasting the public as lab rats and governments as clients.

Whether in the context of a hot war or the cooler competition of the consumer marketplace, our ability to make informed decisions, to act effectively, and even to imagine the world differently has been severely impacted. Yet we each have access to tools, protocols and processes of unprecedented power and plasticity. So what is to be done?