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AiDLab Real-world Artificial Intelligence Narratives

This lab aims to prototype new concepts, models and methodologies for the creation and dissemination of real-world narrative ecologies concerned or produced with AI, investigating their applications for pedagogy, communication and digital storytelling.

The lab aims to prototype new concepts, models and methodologies for the creation and dissemination of real-world narrative ecologies concerned or produced with AI, investigating their applications for pedagogy, communication and digital storytelling.

Research associates: Jonathan Boyd, Matt Lewis, Manu Luksch, Mukul Patel, Shira Wachsmann, John Wild
Project lead: Prof Johnny Golding, Tom Simmons

AiDLab Real-world Artificial Intelligence Narratives is located at the Royal College of Art, and funded under the InnoHK Research Clusters, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

My projects include
Magritte Variations
Sonic Frottage
I thought I was hearing citizens